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Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes to ensure cell viability and cell growth, and also serves as a precursor for steroids and bile acids. The changes in cholesterol level could lead to abnormal biological process.The elevated levels have been reported to be associated with several diseases, including cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke and Huntington's disease. It has been widely reported that cholesterol homeostasis and metabolism are regulated by a group of transcription factors. The SREBP-2 transcription factor, for instance, is responsible for regulating cholesterol synthesis in the liver. LXR, on the other hand, serves to monitor cholesterol levels and interacts with oxysterols to drive the disposal of excess cholesterol. FXR detects intracellular levels of bile acids and works to prevent their over-accumulation. Profiling the regulation and activation patterns of these associated transcription factors is crucial to further understanding and unraveling the intricate cholesterol metabolism pathway. Signosis have developed and produced various transcription factor plate arrays to help you detect specific activation of the many transcription factors involved in cholesterol metabolism, including SREBP, LXR, FXR, USF-1, CREB, FOXO, HNF4, C/EBP, PPAR, COUP-TF, NUR77, EGR, GATA, NFkB and CHOP.


FA-1008's image was extracted from our customer, Geroge Washington Univeristy ( 

Cholesterol Metabolism TF Activation Profiling Plate Array

SKU: FA-1008

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