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Gene expression is regulated at the level of individual cells. It is desired to have methods capable of analyzing the gene expression pattern of individual cells such as stem cells, neurons, developmental tissues, and laser capture microssections. Signosis has developed a sensitive single cell RT-PCR directly in cell lysates without RNA preparation. Therefore, a small number of cells can be used for RT-PCR analysis. Signosis now offers the optimized buffers for subsequent RT-PCR followed cell lysis with Direct cDNA cell lysis buffer. All of reagents for cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification in addition to Direct cDNA cell lysis buffer are included in the kit.
All-in-One - All reagents for the experiment, from cell lysis, reverse transcription to PCR assay, are included in  one kit.
No need for RNA preparation - Cell lysates can be used directly in reverse transcription.
Robust - Full length cDNA can be obtained with the kit.
Real-time - Analysis can be monitored in real time.

Single Cell RT-PCR Assay Kit

SKU: CL-0002

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